
  • End of an Empire?

    “Social cohesion is a necessity, and mankind has never yet succeeded in enforcing cohesion by merely rational arguments. Every community is exposed to two opposite dangers: ossification through too much discipline and reverence for tradition, on the one hand; on the other hand, dissolution, or subjection to foreign conquest, through the growth of an individualism…

  • Eternity

    In a sea of information we swim, but have trouble finding a drink to satisfy our thirst. The future is awful grim They say, the bubble must soon burst. In a room, here alone, the world disappears, learning to be comfortable with quiet, allowing the subtle sounds to find my ears, instead of assaulting them…

  • a stream of consciousness

    I’m tired of trying to be perfect. One day in the future I’ll feed worms with the decaying organic matter that once was my body. And all I do here cannot change that. I don’t mean to sound depressing, but it’s true. Just learn to be. Be. I am here. Drain the marrow, smell the…

  • Let Go

    Today is the 31st of January. The first month of this year has already flown by, soon to be followed by the other eleven. And then another and another, it will keep going like this. And yet, simultaneously, there is only a single moment. And it is now. Watched the movie Boyhood again last night.…

  • Going in late…

    Today is a nice little break from the monotony. I’m going in late today, leaving Steve’s around ten. The catch of course is we have to work late today. We have to do some work in an elevator lobby for our Min Su job. I thought I would try to take this time this morning…

  • 2.0

    We are all duped each and every day, until we see the light. For months we see commercials telling us of the coming of something new, something truly great, which, if we can only get hold of, will fill that void we hadn’t even noticed until it was pointed out. Sad souls, chasing the latest…